Town of Greenwich, New York
Town of Greenwich, New York

Greenwich Honors Veterans!


 The Village of Greenwich is again accepting applications for veteran appreciation banners – Our Heroes.  This is a joint project of the Village and Town of Greenwich.  We will display the banners in the Village and Town by the Memorial Day holiday. This will be the only opportunity to purchase banners this year. 

  • The banners will be hung on Main Street, into the Town.
  • Banners will be placed in the order they are received—we won’t be able to honor specific location requests.
  • The cost for each banner is $225, and payment by cash or check must accompany the application. 
  • A photo, preferably a portrait in uniform, or the best head shot available, must be submitted with the completed banner application.  Digital photos may be submitted by attaching the photo to an email and sending it to  Photos may be picked up in the Village Office after May 26, 2025.
  • The banners will state the name of the honoree, the branch of service, and the years served, as requested on the application. 
  • All completed applications must be submitted to the Village of Greenwich office by Thursday,  April 3rd at noon.
  • Applications are available in the Village or Town offices and on both websites.
  • Banners last between 2 and 3 years. We may take them down during winter.  Any banners that are removed because of excessive wear will be returned to the family or sponsor.

Questions??   Call the Maria Lesson Robinson, Village Trustee, at 518-692-2933 or email to

Banner Application.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [405.3 KB]



JANUARY 15, 2025


MARCH 12, 2025


MAY 14, 2025·


JULY 9, 2025


SEPTEMBER 10, 2025


NOVEMBER 19, 2025



TIME: 9:30 -1:30






Newly elected Town Justice, Steve Patrick, was sworn in by the Honorable Scott Lucey this morning.



TAKE NOTICE, that I, Deborah Tjarks, the undersigned Collector of Taxes of the Town of Greenwich, County of Washington and State of New York, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Greenwich for the year 2025. I will attend my office at 2 Academy Street, Greenwich, NY, beginning Wednesday, January 1, 2025, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursdays from Noon. to 7 p.m., Fridays from 8 a.m. till 12 Noon, excepting Saturdays, Sundays and holidays for the purpose of receiving the taxes listed on said roll.


TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2025, without interest. On all taxes received after such date, there shall be added interest of 1% if paid on or before February 28, 2025, and an additional 1% for each additional month or fraction thereof until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the County Treasurer, pursuant to law.


Deborah Tjarks

Tax Collector

Town of Greenwich

Apply for Heating and Cooling Assistance (HEAP)

New Yorkers can apply for heating and cooling assistance under the Home Energy Assistance Program.

Friday, November 1 starts the sale of Leftover/First Come, First Served (FCFS) Deer Management Permits (DMP). Applications for FCFS DMPs cannot be done over the phone, online or through the mail. They must be done in person through a License Issuing Agent.

 Please keep in mind the following important points about the FCFS DMP process:

 -Hunters may apply for and receive up to two additional DMPs in the available Wildlife Management Units (WMUs).

 -Applicants with licenses that are exempt from paying a DMP application fee, or hunters who have previously applied for DMPs this license year, will not be charged any additional fees during the extended application period. Otherwise, there is a non-refundable $10 application fee for leftover DMPs.

 -Applications for leftover DMPs will not affect any preference points held by the applicant.

 -DMPs are only valid for antlerless deer in the WMU for which they are issued.

 -DEC will continue to issue permits in these WMUs until enough DMPs are issued to achieve optimum management in each WMU. When a WMU is open, it will remain open at least until close of business on that day. At the end of the business day, any units that have reached the desired number of permits will be closed and no longer available for sale. 

The Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) that will be available starting November 1 will be: 

 1C (bowhunting only/Special Firearms with Special Permit-see

3J, 3M, 3N, 3P, 3R, 3S (bowhunting only),

4J (bowhunting only), 4T,

6G, 6P,

7F, 7H, 7J, 7R,

8A, 8C (bowhunting only), 8F, 8G, 8H, 8J, 8M, 8N, 8R, 8S, 8X, 8Y,

9A, 9F, 9G 

Just to clarify, WMUs 3S, 4J and 8C are Bowhunting Only WMUs.

 Thank you for your support of DEC’s fish and wildlife programs

Great News!


The county now has a place where you can electronically send in change of address forms and you can print your own tax bills instead of having to call and get them. The links are below:


Real Property Tax Service Changes in Address and/or Name


Real Property Tax Service E-911 Address Application


Tax Bills; can be found by searching a property, clicking the Tax info Tab, and then the “View Tax Bills” Link on the left. Exact directions balow.


Public Access:

Click Here for Public Access

Click on the Click Here for Public Access Button.

When you get to search you can put in your parcel ID or your name. or your address and search. The next screen brings you to the results of your search click on the parcel Id of your property. On the left-hand side, under Residential, the 5th box down says tax info. Hit the tax info button. The next screen brings you to the tax info. Look on the left-hand side of that screen, it says Tax Links. Under Tax Links the second button says Payment Status and the third button says View Tax Bill. Payment Status will let you know when your tax bills were paid and if they are paid or unpaid. The View Tax Bills will allow you to view and print your tax bills.


STAR Credit Direct Deposit and new Homeowner Benefit Portal now available statewide! 

We’re excited to announce that, after a successful pilot of the STAR Credit Direct Deposit program last year, the direct deposit option is now available to STAR credit recipients statewide. 


To enroll, credit recipients will log into the new Homeowner Benefit Portal, which is also how new homeowners will register for the STAR credit.


In addition, the portal provides STAR applicants and recipients with much more functionality than they previously had, such as:


  • checking the status of their property tax registrations;
  • switching to the STAR credit;
  • viewing, editing, or closing their registrations;
  • ensuring their information is accurate and complete; and
  • taking action to resolve issues.


With the launch of the portal, the previous STAR registration application is no longer available. We have updated our relevant webpages to assist with this transition.


How to access the portal

Homeowners with existing Tax Department Individual Online Services accounts can now find the Homeowner Benefit Portal under Real Property Tax after they log in. Other homeowners will be prompted to create an Individual Online Services account to get started.


Homeowners without access to the Internet can continue to register for STAR by calling our representatives at 518-457-2036, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Homeowners cannot enroll in STAR Direct Deposit over the phone.


Note: An Online Services account is separate from your Online Assessment Community user ID and password. If you don’t have an Individual Online Services account, you will need to create one to access the Homeowner Benefit Portal.


You can only access registration information regarding your own properties in the portal; you will not be able to access the registrations of other homeowners.


If you receive questions from homeowners about the new portal, please direct them to call our representatives at 518-457-2036, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

As of May 1st, the 2024 Greenwich Tentative Assessment Roll is available to view online and at the Town Clerk's Office.


Link to the Greenwich Tentative Assessment Roll:

We now have a notary in the Town Office! Deborah Tjarks, Town Clerk will be here to notarize your items Monday through Friday.

     We would like to welcome WIC back to the Town of Greenwich!

They will be here, at 2 Academy Street, the 3rd Tuesday of every month, from 9am to 3pm, with the exception of December, March and June and September. 

View the Town of Greenwich Final Assessment 2023 Roll


Town of Greenwich
2 Academy Street

Greenwich, NY 12834

Phone: 518-692-7611

Fax: 518-855-4055


Like us on Facebook: GreenwichNYGov

Town Clerk

518-692-7611 x100

Fax: 518-855-4055

M, T, W: 8 am - 3 pm

Th: Noon - 7 pm

F: 8 am - Noon



518-692-7611 x105 

Town Court Fax: 518-451-8798

Court Thursday: 9 am

Clerk Hours

T: 8 am - 12 pm

Th: 12 pm - 2 pm



518-692-7611, x104

T, Th: 9 am-12 pm | 1 pm-4 pm


Planning Board Clerk

518-692-7611 x107


Code Enforcement Officer 

518-692-7611 x106


Call for appointment.




Call for appointment.

Website Updates:

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© Town of Greenwich 2012