Town of Greenwich, New York
Town of Greenwich, New York

Planning Board


William Tomkins | email



Aaron Northrup

518-692-7611, x.103 | email



Vice Chairman

Kyle Vandewater | email



Tom Duffy | email

Matthew Ryan | email

Morgan Snyder | email

Liv Thygesen | email

Emily VanDriel | email

Office Hours

Email or Call for appointment.


**Applications must be submitted to the Clerk 10 days prior to the Regular Meeting.**




Workshop Meetings scheduled as needed on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Call the Clerk if there is a meeting that month.


Regular Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month, 7 p.m.

The Planning Board is an administrative body of local government with no legislative power. The primary responsibilities are to:


  • Review and approve: subdivision plats, site plans and special use permits
  • Prepare land subdivision regulations and recommend their adoption to the local legislature
  • Participate in the preparation of a comprehensive plan when directed by the local legislature
  • Report on matters referred to it by the local legislature, including amendments to the zoning ordinance, the adoption of official maps and capital improvements
  • Advise the local legislature and other boards on matters affecting a community's development
  • Prepare other regulations relating to subject matter over which the planning board has jurisdiction and recommend their adoption to the local legislature

To learn more about Planning Boards, check out the NYS Department of State Planning Board Overview online training.


View the Town of Greenwich Final Assessment 2023 Roll


Town of Greenwich
2 Academy Street

Greenwich, NY 12834

Phone: 518-692-7611

Fax: 518-855-4055


Like us on Facebook: GreenwichNYGov

Town Clerk

518-692-7611 x100

Fax: 518-855-4055

M, T, W: 8 am - 3 pm

Th: Noon - 7 pm

F: 8 am - Noon



518-692-7611 x105 

Town Court Fax: 518-451-8798

Court Thursday: 9 am

Clerk Hours

T: 8 am - 12 pm

Th: 12 pm - 2 pm



518-692-7611, x104

T, Th: 9 am-12 pm | 1 pm-4 pm


Planning Board Clerk

518-692-7611 x103


Code Enforcement Officer 

518-692-7611 x106


Call for appointment.



518-692-7611 x107

Call for appointment.

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© Town of Greenwich 2012